A world of hydrogen at your fingertips.

We offer solutions for every stage of your journey to clean energy. We take care of system design, integration, power generation, and infrastructure development. Whatever you may be looking to build, our team of experts is excited to help.

What do we offer?

> System Design

We design cutting-edge hydrogen systems for a wide variety of applications in both commercial and residential facilities. Our systems are custom-built to your unique specifications and circumstances, allowing you infinite possibilities when it comes to constructing a solution that's perfect for you. We've developed a state-of-the-art heat net energy system design that is capable of cogeneration, meaning that no heat is wasted in the process of powering your facility. And, unlike other sources of sustainable energy, our systems are designed to supply power at a constant rate, meaning you'll never be at the whim of meteorological conditions.

> System Integration

Our integration services involve combining various chemical, mechanical, and electrical components and equipment into a seamless system, whether on a small or large scale. We rely on our extensive expertise to ensure the safety and efficiency of the operation. Our integration process prioritizes convenience and autonomy, giving you control over how the system operates within your broader energy infrastructure. Our team works closely with property developers, energy providers, technology manufacturers, and other relevant parties to provide you with the most efficient and user-friendly solution possible.

> Power Generation

We've pioneered new, improved, and incredibly efficient methods of hydrogen power generation that can supply consistent, eco-friendly energy to facilities of all sizes and locales. Our power generation systems utilize cogeneration to ensure that any heat released in the process of generating power is captured and used further downstream to lessen your consumption across the board. We can provide sustainable power for various industries such as filming, construction, and backup power generation by utilizing hydrogen's power and advanced fuel cell technology. Our electro-hydrogen generator is highly durable and reliable, and it's currently the most efficient and compact power generator available in the market considering the power output.

> Infrastructure Development

Although we know that hydrogen is the energy source of the future, we understand that there's currently a lack of infrastructure capable of supporting comprehensive hydrogen power. We leverage our deep knowledge and expertise in the hydrogen industry to design and develop infrastructure to support hydrogen-powered initiatives, ensuring that hydrogen energy is accessible to anyone. We oversee the design, material sourcing, construction, and testing to ensure that each infrastructure project meets our exceptionally high standards.

> Technical Solutions

HDI provides customers worldwide with engineering and design services, specialized products, and solutions. Our goal is to continuously enhance our portfolio of technologies and internal expertise to offer world-class, cost-effective, and dependable hydrogen technology solutions.

Get started

Clean energy is within reach. We'd love to hear about your next hydrogen-powered project. Let's chat.